Printing procedural safeguards manuals for parents rights

The Notice of Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities explains the specific rights and responsibilities of the parent in the special education process. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 (IDEA 2004) requires school districts to give parents the Procedural Safeguards only one time a year, except upon: initial referral or on request for evaluation; the first occurrence of the filing of a due process hearing complaint; or upon request by a parent.

Procedural Safeguards Manual Link: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities Ages 3-21 – EnglishUpdated August 2022(English only). Translated versions of the updated document will be available in the coming months. Until translated versions are updated, use the old translated native copy and the staff can add any additional things that are in the new manual through the interpreter.

The responsibility of printing this document is the LEA’s responsibility with the exception of Initial IEPs and Support only IEPs.  We have designated one contact in each AEA to make copies of this document.  Please just email one of the staff members listed below or your administrative assistant and they will be happy to send you a few copies.

Speech Discipline

Contact your SLPA.

Clear Lake

Amanda Hennigar, Data Technician


Margy Averill, Data Technician

Administrative Assistants

Regions 1-3: Laura Rinnels, Administrative Assistant

Regions 4-7: Cole Adams, Administrative Assistant

Regions 8-11: Rebekah Robbs, Administrative Assistant

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