MATH offerings

Your CRAEA Math Team is offering the following upcoming learning opportunities. 

Math Intervention for Responsive Teaching Elementary

The CRAEA Math Team is once again offering Math Intervention for Responsive Teaching on certain Wednesdays after school in January, February, March, and April.  This course covers essential elementary math content and intervention best practice for those supporting struggling math learners such as Team Reps, Title Math Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Interventionists, and Special Education Administrators. All sessions are held via Zoom.

The Numeracy Project Math Intervention Training

The Numeracy Project from Heartland AEA is an intervention system with Iowa Math Standard aligned critical math content K-8. Participants will learn how to use The Numeracy Project’s diagnostic assessment, aligned math activities, and progress monitoring tool. This training is recommended for Team Reps, special education teachers, math interventionists, instructional coaches, or anyone connected with math intervention K-HS. Half-day training sessions are being offered in all three CRAEA locations in either November or December. 

See the brochures for more information or reach out to Amie Smith, CRAEA Math Consultant. 

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