Data Leads Need Help with ACHIEVE Tickets

After submitting a help ticket, a reply is sent stating either 1)we are working on it; 2)it is being escalated; or 3) completed, please do not reply. Tickets are put into one of the three statuses’ above the Data Team to work on or for the ticket to be closed. 

Please do not reply to any of these status messages or email the Data Team asking when your issue will be resolved. Loss of ticket status can happen (which has to manually be reinstated by the Data Team), resulting in additional work for the Data Team and delays in resolving the issue for you. We will absolutely keep you informed when your ticket has been resolved and closed. 

If you need to know the status on a ticket, directly email Nicole (Northwest, Northeast Sectors) or Pam (South and East Sectors).

Please know how much we appreciate your gratitude with resolving your ACHIEVE issues. Taking extra time in your day to thank us is not necessary. We are always happy to help.

Thank you all for being kind during our first year of ACHIEVE!

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