Developing quality individual education programs

This information is brought to you by your CRAEA IEP trainers!

Are you looking for resources and information to help develop quality IEPs?

Plan to participate in a learning series that covers a wide variety of topics specific to Individual Education Programs (IEPs). All participants will be introduced to quality planning tools and strategies while incorporating the Specially Designed Instruction Framework (SDI) of Diagnose, Design, Deliver and Engagement.

The monthly learning series will be virtual using Zoom and will have an elementary and secondary component. Each learning session will be 60 minutes in length starting at 3:30 PM. Each month will cover a separate IEP topic and participants may choose to attend all sessions or just a few, based on the learners needs.

September 26: Quality IEP Overview

October 17: RIOT/SCIL elementary and secondary transition

November 28: PLAAFP/Assessments

December 19: PLAAFP/other considerations

January 30: Goal Writing using RIOT information

February 13: Goal Writing/SDI

March 6: Services Plus (Accommodations/Modifications, Para Support, DWA, Alternative Assessment, Assistive Tech)

April 3: Transitions PK to K, Senior Exits, 4+ programs

May 1: CLP, PWN, other forms-exchange of information

All participants must register for this learning series through Central Rivers AEA Professional Learning. Registered participants will be sent the Zoom link, email reminders and any information from the instructors.

#204065 CR – Developing Quality IEPs for New teachers

Section 313339 Zoom CRAEA September 26, 2022


If you have any questions, please reach out to Ann Lupkes, Work Experience Transition Coordinator

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