
Procedural Safeguards (Part B) Update

On the new DE page, now relinked to i3, new translations of the August, 2023 manual have been added.  Data from ACHIEVE was reviewed, and the “top 10” most frequent home languages for students with IEPs were translated, along with a few other languages that previously were translated by the state.  There are a few additional languages being translated by individual AEAs for local needs, and those will be shared and added to the master site sometime in the future.  You’ll see that this is now a subsection on a Parent Information Page on the DE site.  Here is the link, and again, this has been relinked to the appropriate spots in i3 –

Sent to us by:  Ron Russell, IDEA Procedures and Guidance Project Manager

If you have further questions, please reach out to Marcia Brolsma

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